All new patients can make an appointment by phone or online, Click Here. Walk-in patients are also welcome, however waiting times may vary depending on the day.
For all Emergencies call 000.
If you require after hours medical assistance please call the National Home Doctor Service on:
13SICK or 13 7425 for a bulk billed home visit. They will send you a report to your nominated GP the following day.
On your first visit, please:
Arrive little earlier for your scheduled appointment time to fill in necessary paper work. Eg New Patient Registration Form
( Which you can download and pre fill by clicking here: New Patient Registration Form )
The forms are also available at the reception if you wish to fill it out on the day.
Bring a valid Medicare Card, Photo ID (e.g. Driver’s license/Student ID), and the following if eligible, example here:
Commonwealth Senior’s Health Card. Click here
Health Care Card Click here
Pensioner Concession Card Click here
For WorkCover consultations, please ensure you inform your employer of your appointment before visiting the medical centre, and bring their contact details for verification to arrange for WorkCover payments.
If you are coming as a private patient, a standard consultation fee is charged. We accept Eftpos or Credit Card payments.
To cancel or reschedule your appointment, please call us as soon as possible on 0291356480.

Our practice is primarily by appointments but we do accept walk-ins and accommodate in between appointments. Patients with a valid Medicare Card will be bulk billed for their GP consultations Monday – Sunday.
We accept payment via EFTPOS, Credit Card and Medicare Easy claim for on the spot Medicare rebates. For patients without Medicare Card your consult will be privately charged.